
the gift ending explained

The second season of Netflix's 'The Gift' takes the protagonist and the audience to a parallel earth where a different prepare of challenges and possibilities are opened to them. The show builds upon its mythology, pushing the constraints of time, infinite, and mysticism, to give a story that becomes more interesting but likewise convoluted with each pace. Once again, the season ends on a massive cliffhanger. Here's what it means. SPOILERS AHEAD

Plot Summary

Atiye finds herself in a parallel world where everything is dissimilar from her globe. Here, Cansu is live, but she is not her sister. She goes past the name of Elif, which was her original proper name dorsum in their world. She and Erhan take grown upwards together and had been adopted by Serdar, who took them in after the death of their parents. Also, in this globe, Atiye's parents never met, which means she was never born. When she meets her father, he is still working as a cop. Her female parent, on the other hand, has been institutionalized considering she had been talking about all the things that her counterpart didn't believe in where Atiye comes from. Information technology likewise turns out that she is the only i who remembers Atiye here. She tells her about her purpose, which is to save this globe, where babies are non being born considering pregnant women are dying.

The Ending

In the final episode, the two worlds collide every bit Atiye tries to detect the manner back to her world. After Serdar shoots Erhan, he takes Atiye with him to notice the door at Gobekli Tepe. On the way, he becomes short of jiff, which Atiye points out is the karma for him strangling Cansu to death. His condition gets worse, which leads to an accident. Atiye saves him and Serdar starts to reconsider the course of his actions. He likewise decides to come make clean to Atiye nigh why he had been acting so villainous all forth and we outset to become some answers.

In the first flavor, we had discovered that Serdar was talking to someone through the screens of his telephone, laptop, and even television. These people were keeping him in the loop about all the mysteries and all they wanted him to exercise was to discover the location of the door between the 2 worlds. Because only Atiye knows information technology, he had to focus all his resources on keeping her effectually. In the original world, he did and so by trying to wed her with his son Ozan. In the 2nd world, he tries this by keeping Erhan close, knowing that she volition eventually come looking for him.

While we still don't know who is puppeteering Serdar, information technology is revealed that they are an arrangement. What started merely recently for Atiye and Erhan has actually been in the works for a long time. In this season, nosotros too discover that this is not the first time that Atiye and Erhan have fallen in dearest. From Atiye'due south visions, information technology is revealed that they might besides have been at the get-go of all of it. They could be the Adam and Eve that the stories and the inscription on the stone talk about. The organization knows virtually them and they too know that Atiye and Erhan tin can influence the course of events in the world. Not simply them, merely their child is too an of import link in this mystery.

Serdar also tells her that this organization is responsible for the expiry of pregnant women in the second earth. Overpopulation had been destroying the planet, eating abroad at the express resources. As well many children were being born, and the world didn't take plenty to sustain them. So, the organization decided to put a terminate to information technology. They did something (though we don't know what) that led to the babies turning into a poison for their mothers. However, due to Atiye's role in keeping the balance of the whole world, added to her mystical powers of healing people, she can cure this disease past giving nascence to her daughter. She can salve the second earth from dying, and it is this thought that makes her come back.

Later on all the difficulties and challenges, Atiye succeeds in finding the entrance to the cave and finds the door to the other globe. From the other side, Erhan enters the cavern looking for her. They finally reunite in the center of it, where Atiye tells him near their nevertheless to be born daughter. However, information technology is at this moment that she realizes that if she goes dorsum to her world, the one that she has left backside will certainly be doomed. Without her, meaning women will go on to dice and at that place volition be no saving anyone. Though information technology is a difficult selection, it is the one she is forced to make, and after bidding goodbye to Erhan, she goes back to her new world.

In one case there, she gives birth to her girl, which brings the states dorsum to the opening scene of the season. Someone kidnaps Atiye's girl and she runs around looking for her. It also looks like others believe her to be dead and are grieving for her at her funeral. In the end, information technology is revealed that information technology was Ozan who kidnapped her child and seems to take done it on the bidding of the undercover organization that his father had been a part of. This Ozan comes from the first world, to which Atiye originally belongs. This Ozan got his father arrested for the murder of Cansu, but afterward their conversation at the prison, he has come in bear on with the organisation and has been recruited by them. They had been after Atiye from the kickoff and at present, they desire her daughter. Nosotros don't withal know what their nefarious plans are, only Atiye will take to fight a lot to get her daughter back.

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